Thursday 14 March 2013

The Ship That Never Was

This is a story about 10 convicts who built the last ship @ Sarah Island penal settlement in Macquarie harbour

Only 2 actors  but they get the audience to play the other rolls

As the story progresses, the props start making the ship

Leaving the Commander behind on Sarah island

The old guy in white "Billy" was 94 & had no idea of what was going on.
Really funny, they kept telling him to do things & he would just look at them with a blank face

Cat & parrot were also on the journey

Convicts are on their way

They finally make it to Chile after months at sea

4 joined American whaling boats
2 went to Jamaica
4 stayed in Chile for many years & were eventually recaptured & sent back to Hobart to face the law again

They were very clever & had a great defence
Couldn't be accused of piracy, as they took the ship in the harbour & not on high seas
The ship wasn't meant to be built, timber was to be sent to Port Arthur for use there

Therefore it was
"The Ship that never Was"

They eventually were given "ticket o leave" & went on to be successful citizens

It was the best 2 hours entertainment I have been to in a long time
$15 each
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