Tuesday 19 March 2013

Iron Blow Lookout

Approaching Queenstown from the east you can't help but be taken aback by the sight of the barren hillsides, hauntingly bare yet strangely beautiful. 
This lunar landscape has a majestic captivating quality
In December 1994 after 101 years of continuous mining - A major achievement for a mining company - The Mt Lyell Mining company called it a day & closed the operation thus putting Queenstown under threat of becoing a ghost town
Now with the mine under the ownership of Copper Mines of Tasmania, the town & the mine are once again thriving

So head for the hills and discover Queenstown - a unique piece of "SPACE" on earth !!!!

Leaving town & heading east towards Derwent Bridge & Hobart

The Iron Blow was worked as a gold mine for many years. However the 3 original discoverers soon lost control of the mine when more men were admitted into the syndicate
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At the top of Gormy hill takes you to the now deserted Open Cut mine, renamed as Iron Blow, in 1883 gold was discovered marking the beginning of the Mt Lyell Mining co.

Amazing views down the valley
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