Sunday 3 March 2013

Historic Highfield House

Woke to a very dismal day, grey clouds overhead, what happened to the lovely sunshine from yesterday

More views of the "Nut" taken from Highfield house

The Van Diemen's Land company was established in London in 1824 & in 1825 King George IV signed a Royal Charter to give a vast area of north west Tasmania to wealthy British business interests, trading as the Van Diemen's Land company, for the creation of new sheep farms

Chief agent Edward Curr arrived in August 1826 & the township of Stanley was quickly established for VDL headquarters.  By October convicts from Hobart, livestock, machinery & craftsmen were already shipping into the settlement

Edward Curr & his family lived in beautiful Highfield House built on the hill overlooking Stanley, with commanding views over the town & of course "The Nut"
The house  is a rare example of domestic architecture from the Regency period

Dining room

Lovely Willow pattern china

People who visited the house

Chook house

Certainly was a decent size house for the early 1800's

10 children grew up in this house, they had a special nursery in the attic

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