Friday 8 March 2013

Cradle Mountain

The weather didn't look too flash on the way into Cradle Mtn this morning, misty & low cloud
Cloud on the mountains (almost looks like snow)

Stopped to have a look & this is what we saw !!!!

By the time we arrived @ park entrance & caught the shuttle bus to the lake (7.5km)

We were blessed with gorgeous sunshine, the lake & mountain were sparkling

Cradle Mtn & Dove lake

Headed off to walk the Dove Lake loop 6kms -  2 hrs
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Love the reflections

View from Glacier rock at the start of the walk

The track winds around the lake to return along the western shore for any easy 2 hours 
of pure magic & deep satisfaction !!!
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I had a slight hiccup walking along the boardwalk & had to face my demons
a very small green snake was enjoying the sunshine & I had to wait for him to slither off

Closer view of Cradle Mtn

Getting towards the end of the walk, not that easy, loose gravel pathways, steps

The most photographed boat house in OZ

Quick snack inside the boathouse

Ye ha we made it in 2 1/2 hrs. 
Well done !!!
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