Sunday 21 April 2013

Tassie Passport - Time to say goodbye

It's pouring with rain, while we wait in line to board the Spirit of Tasmania for a return journey to mainland.
Sorry no photos as its pitch black
We were given this cute passport when we arrived in November
Caption says 'If suffering from split personality & more passports are needed, order them
 from Passports Tassie

All the spots on the map say
World's best Axemen
World's best trout fishing
World's best chocolates (Cadburys)
& list goes on

This unofficial passport allows the bearer to become an honorary Tasmanian & freely move within this great little place.  The bearer is also entitled to the following privileges
* To breathe the world's cleanest air
* To enjoy the world's most civilised licensing hours

CAUTION: As it is well known that Tasmania is the world's island paradise, citizenship carries with it onerous responsibilities

Therefore you must adhere to these rules

1.  The area of land to the north of Tasmania must at all times be referred to as the
North Island.  Anyone calling it the Mainland can expect a long term in
Port Arthur Penitentiary

2. Tasmanians are very proud of their heritage.  Most of their forebears were chosen by
England's best Judges

3. Rain will be called Liquid Sunshine

4. Cold weather will be called Refreshing

5. Bad weather is Rather Inclement


Fact 1 . That if flattened out Tasmania's land mass would make it larger than the North Island (See map)

Fact 2. That if a Tasmanian migrates to the North Island, the I.Q of both islands goes up
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