Saturday 20 April 2013

Maritime Museum - Devonport

Well we are on count down now, 1 more sleep before heading back to BIG ISLAND!!!
Back into town this morning, off to Maritime museum 

The former Harbour Master's Residence & Pilot Station, built in 1920, situated in Joshua Slocum park, is a significant landmark near Devonport's river foreshore

It is an appropriate home for the Devonport Maritime museum & a place to preserve our
Maritime Heritage

The complex has just had a multi-million $$$$ re-vamp

Just love this photo

Ships in a bottle !!

Empress of Australia
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Bob playing on simulator, steering a cargo boat up the Tamar river & out into Bass Strait
Unfortunately he hit a yacht, sunk the ship !!!

Glad he's not the Captain on the ferry tomorrow night!!!

Harbour Master's Residence
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