Thursday 4 April 2013

Tasmazia - World's Largest Maze complex

Mt Roland dominates the landscape around these parts

Welcome to Tasmazia & Village of Lower Crackpot

There is 8 mazes within the Great maze
The Great Maze - planted 1985
Hampton Court Maze (repeat design, to scale of the original @ Hampton Court Palace in UK
Confusion Maze (so called because it has a reputation of being harder to get out of than into
The Balance Maze (low wall construction of brick, walk along the wall keeping your balance)
Hexagonal Maze (a six sided maze where the goal is the world's only memorial to posts & poles)
The Yellow Brick Road  (follow the paths to village green)
Irish Maze (Oh to be Irish) !!!!
Cage Maze (Home to the 'plumbers memorial')

Bob heading off into the Great Maze

Cubby town
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Get that balance right Jano  !!

The Village of Lower Crackpot

All these cute buildings in the village
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Embassy gardens (under construction)

Confusion Maze

2 Grey nomads lost in the maze for 4 hours  

Made it to the middle of Confusion !!

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