Monday 8 April 2013

Mole Creek

After doing the tour through the cave we found this nice spot by the creek, just down the road from Mole Creek

Some of the old buildings still in Mole Creek.  Not a lot happening there these days, very quiet

Bought some nice pickles & chutney from the craft  "Shed"
Some-one had just brought in some nice fresh veges from their garden, we bought a
"Spaghetti Melon" never seen one before, let alone know how to cook it
The old dear selling the goodies, told us to cut it in half, take out the seeds & cook in the oven with some nice spicy mince & cheese
Yummo, when you scrap the flesh with a fork it comes away like spaghetti nice & crunchy

Guest house & coffee shop

Mole creek pub
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