Saturday 9 February 2013

Lilydale Falls reserve

On our way to Lilydale we passed 800 push bike riders travelling (luckily) in the other direction. The road was very very hilly & some of the people were pushing their bikes up these steep inclines. Some looked as though they may have a heart attack at the top. They had started in Launceston about 25kms away & still had 21km to go for todays leg of the ride. It is a three day event, not sure if they will all make as the route is very steep, hilly
a real heart breaker!!!!

Ten minute walk into the falls, not much water bit it was a nice walk anyway

We met a couple Pat & Ian from Mackay that had been caught out by all the bike riders, no accommodation available & petrol station in town was closed, so no petrol to drive anywhere else.
They were both in their late 60's & will be sleeping in the hire car tonight!!!
Luckily we were able to give them some blankets, beach towels & cushions to try & make their night a bit more comfortable & warm.
There was a fire place at the park, so we cranked it up, had a few wines & told loads of stories until it was bed time !!!

They were both a touch chilly this morning & soon warmed up with a
nice HOT CUPPA TEA!!!!
Had to wait for the servo to open at 9am & then they could be on their way again
Good story to tell the folks when they get back to Mackay!!

Nice look Jano!!!
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