Wednesday 6 February 2013

Legerwood carvings

On 15 October 1918 a tree dedication ceremony was held at the Railway reserve in Legerwood.
Nine trees were planted to honour local soldiers killed in World War I
As the names of the fallen  were called out, a relative or near relative came forward to hold the tree until it was planted
Next stop along the road is Legerwood known for its carvings

Carvings depicting World War I servicemen & women

A Weymouth pine was planted at each of the avenue representing Gallipoli & the Anzacs

In 2001 a report on the condition of the trees showed that they we no longer safe
& the community was devastated that the memorial would be lost

In 2004 it was suggested that carving the stumps into a likeness of each soldier would enable the memorials to be retained

Eddie Freeman, a chainsaw carver from Ross, in Tassie was employed by the Legerwood Hall & reserves committee to sculpt the masterpieces you see today
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