Tuesday 26 February 2013

Arthur river - Edge of the World

We are now heading out to the most westerly place in Tassie
Arthur river

Arthur river cruise boat

Logs washed down the river during winter & floods

Mouth of Arthur river

About a dozen or so fishing shacks, 2 cruise boats & shop & that is
Arthur river in The North West Coast

Edge of the World

Nothing between us & South America some 16,000kms away

The Edge of the World

I cast my pebble onto the shore of Eternity
To be washed by the Ocean of time
It has shape, form & substance
It is me
One day I will be no more
But my pebble will remain here
On the shore of Eternity
Mute witness for the oeons
That today I came & stood
At the Edge of the World

Arthur river
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