Monday 14 January 2013


Bob arrived back yesterday afternoon feeling a little seedy, had a great time at the party & hit the sack at 4.30am & at the airport by 9.30am. That's sure some party, Bruce they guy who put the party on did a great job at this house in Hunters Hill, prawns, lobster, beer, wine, entertainment & Kamal was one of the people who did a few songs.
Spent the night @ Richmond & deciding witchwae we are going to head tomorrow
Decided to head up the middle towards Kempton, Oatlands & onto Launceston
Stopped @ Pontville not much left of the town apart from this church & cemetery

We were amazed at how many of the names on headstones were Italian & Polish.
Maybe there was an immigrant camp here after the war ??

4 Italian family crypts

Witchwae behind bars!!!!!

Went for a walk along the gorge with Mt Wellington in background

Spoke to a local down at the gorge & he told us all the old families came out af'ter the war & the men worked on all the hydro constructions & women stayed in Pontville & settled here, that's why all the European names
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