Thursday 17 January 2013

A wander around Launceston

Yesterday afternoon we called into to see a very old girlfriend of mine
(from my Rose Bay RSL days in the 1970's) Di & her hubby Len,  live in a tiny town called Perth,
 15 minutes south of Launceston
Spent the night catching up on about 12 years of gossip & stories, plus the odd glass of wine or two!!!
Staying with Di & Len until next Monday, when we have to go back to Hobart to get the awning repaired
This morning we caught the bus into Launceston & wandered around
Found the Tramway museum @ Iveresk which is just across the river from town

Inside the Post office, very grand roof

Post office

Statues in Princes square

City park


Queen Victoria Pavillion

Gates to city park
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Albert Hall

Beautiful Elm tree
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