Saturday 19 January 2013

Cataract Gorge - Launceston

After going into town this morning to Farmers markets & bought the best cherries ever !!  $10 kilo
Di &Len dropped us into Cataract gorge
Launceston undisputed natural masterpiece is the breathtaking Cataract gorge reserve,
just 15 minute walk from CBD
Definitely has the WOW factor

Early settler William Collins described the beauty of the gorge as
"probably not surpassed in the world" & we're inclined to agree

South Esk river

Photo's of the gorge in flood in 1929
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Peacock with 3 chicks, How cute!!

Lovely wedding happening in Faiy dell

Band stand

Piper running out of puff, had been playing for while.
We could hear him on the otherside of the gorge & took us about 15 minutes to walk over

Original Tea rooms

Suspension bridge

Basin Chairlift - world famous 308 metre central span traverses the huge, naturally formed basin.
The gentle, yet awe-inspiring ride provides stunning views of the river, majestic dolerite cliffs & Gorge's beautiful gardens

Pool, tested the water a touch chilly!!!

Inclinator !!! Went for a ride to the top
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Going Up !!!

View from the inclinator

Love that sun shade JANO !!!

Chair lift $12 return for seniors!!!

Riding high above the gorge
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