Monday 3 December 2012

Welcome to Ida Bay Railway

Day 3, early start 2 hour drive south to Ida Bay Railway in time to catch the 9.30am train

Ride with us to the end of the line on Australia's southern most railway

Enjoy the 14km return trip from Ida Bay station through bush land to the coast

The line was used to take quarried limestone to Ida Bay (Deep hole) for transfer to ship & then onto Hobart

Several of the passenger carriages are built on bogie flat wagons built in the 1890's, being some of the earliest bogie wagons in OZ

We were the only passengers this early in the morning, so had a personal guided tour from Tony the driver  $25 seniors fare

Clang clang go the bells !!!!

A short stop along the way to see these graves

Tony our driver explains the stories behind the Tyler family graves who were timber cutters in early 1900's

Two 1940's war time Malcolm Moore locos in operation bought for the line in 1948

Kingfisher bay near Southport
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The railway line terminates at deep Hole & Elliott's beach

Enjoying the views @ end of the line

Luckily Bob found a blanket on the way, he was silly enough to wear shorts when the temp was about 14 degrees & wondered why his legs & knees were COLD??????  HELLO !!!!!

Ida Bay station

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