Tuesday 4 December 2012

Snow on Mt Wellington - Hobart

OMG this is the 3rd time we have been to top of Mt Wellington & today it's freezing cold & SNOWING .
Can you believe it's 4th December
Day 4

Can just make out Hobart in the distance

Bob & his SNOWMAN !!!!!
His hands were toooooooo cold to make a bigger one!!!!
That's his story anyway!!!!

Snowing, snowing  !!!!  Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

Bob, Robyn & Arthur huddled together to keep warm!!!

Snow, snow & more snow!!!!
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These poor guys & gals picked the wrong day to do the
famous "Down Hill Run"
 from top Mt Wellington to Cascade Brewery some 15kms down the very winding & narrow road

This guy is in shorts!!!!

Have fun & arrive safely at the bottom.
Glad it was them & not me!!!!
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