Monday 31 December 2012

New Years Eve - Glenorchy RSL

New Years Eve is upon us & decided to head up to local RSL for dinner/dance $35 each, walking distance from showground, so can have couple ales & wines & enjoy the evening
Got the sparkling teeth happening !!!

Denise & Tony joined us after dinner & we had a great night,
even though the band only had one speed SLOW!!!!

Managed to get in a couple of dances

Good look BOBO !!!!!!
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Saturday 29 December 2012

Hula Girls on Country Music cruise

Just received this photo from our friends in Adelaide who went on a Country Music cruise in September on Rhapsody of Seas

Dawn, Henny, one of the stewards, Dot & Julie

Sure looks like they are having a great time
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MONA art gallery

MONA - Museum of Old & New Art

Everybody has a different opinion about this museum,
some like it & others say it's definitely not their cup of tea!!!

We queued up for awhile, crowds were everywhere as it was market day & it looked like we would be waiting sometime before we could get in.
 Decided to give it a miss & come back after the holidays

View from the terrace, back towards Hobart
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Friday 28 December 2012

Tasman bridge

Couple views of the Tasman bridge over the Derwent river
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Hobart Cenotaph

Xmas Eve everyone (campers) at the showground got together for a sausage sizzle & chat, which nice to get to know our neighbours
Xmas day was quiet affair, to cold to sit outside, cooked a turkey breast & trimmings & we ate alone. It came good in the afternoon & had our usual drinkies with Denise & Tony until it got tooo cold again & back inside
On the ride home this afternoon stopped at the Hobart Cenotaph
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Moscow circus comes to town

Great Moscow Circus has come to town from 1- 31 January
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Sydney to Hobart

Photo on front page of the "Mercury" newspaper
"Line Honours" Wild Oats  28/12/12

We were in a hurry to get to waterfront this morning, hence NO face paint
Not a very glamourous photo

Front page New Years Day

Amazing what a bit of face paint will do !!!!!
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Sydney to Hobart yacht race

Woke up bright & early this morning only to find Wild Oats was already in port. Quick bike ride into Hobart (7 kms) & arrived in time for the presentation of Line Honours trophy

Wild Oats winner of "Line Honours"

James Tobin (Blue Tshirt) from Sunrise on board Wild Oats

Our new friend Denise down at waterfront

Eye candy Larry Ender & skipper Mark Richards

Wild Oats mast

Line Honours trophy

Receiving the trophy

Sydney to Hobart Handicap winners trophy (pretty impressive) !!

Nick from Sunrise
(should have given him a tin of shoe polish, his shoes were disgusting)

Larry Ender (very good looking in the flesh) !!!
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Past winners of the race

Both looking very glam !!!

Nick  & Larry
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Tony, Bob & Denise (met this couple at showground from Gold coast)

Ragamuffin 2nd to cross the line about 4 hours after Wild Oats

Lady Nelson lovely old wooden boat


Taste of Tasmania festival started today, so wandered over to see what all the hype was about
very expensive for food & drinks
Guess the Tasmanian's don't mind being ripped off!!!!!

Jan on board Ragamuffin

Cadbury's Chocolate car

Hobart has an Ice rink, unfortunately hasn't opened yet !!!!
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Recognise the famous faces!!!
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