Monday 19 November 2012

Port Arthur

Port Arthur penal station was established in 1830 as a timber getting camp, using convict labour to produce sawn logs for government projects
With the end of convict transportation to Van Diemen's land in 1853, Port Arthur became an institution for aging & physically & mentally ill convicts.
The penal settlement finally closed in 1877 & many of the building were dismantled or destroyed by bushfires
The Penitentiary 1857

Hospital 1842

Guard tower 1835
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Commandant's House 1833 -1856

View from Commandants house

Inside the Commandants house


Shipwrights house 1834

Boat took us for a 20 minute ride around the Isle of the Dead (1833)

Bob & I bought a "Ticket of Leave" pass for $6 each & we can return as many times as we like within the next 2 years

As my sister Robyn & her partner Arthur will be in Tassie on 1 December, & we will be coming here again, it was a good bargain.  Normal price is $27
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